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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Focus on Me!!!

THat's my goal. I said something to someone that was over the line. I am not proud of that. I never thought I would react the way I did. However, being as that I am human, I made a mistake and I screwed up. I can't change it. I can't make it right. All I can do at this point is focus on ME and figure out how to NOT let that happen ever again. THat's my goal.

I shared my mistake with friends. Knowing the full well ahead of time, the outcome that would follow. I needed to hear the negative and hurtful things they were going to say. I needed them to tell me that I was wrong. Because I could have easily hidden what I have done. Not told anyone. Lived my life trying to bury the deed. But I didn't. I laid it out there for them to know. I was ready to hear the hurtful things. I knew that my friends would be horrified, but that they would eventually help me through this. SOme have done that. Their words of wisdom and suggestions of how to handle this have been much appreciated. SOme have decided that I am a liar. That I made it all up. THAT was uncalled for. SO I walked away from my friends for now. If I had stayed, I would have said some very hurtful things to them, and I do not want to be that person ever again. THis time I can walk away before I say them.

So if my true friends are reading this, and you wonder where I have gone, I am here. Focusing on me. Reeavaluating my life, and talking with someone who can help me. I am moving forward. I can't change the past. I am working on the now, and looking to the future.

For everyone, just remember, we all make mistakes. SOme mistakes are big, others are minor. BUT we all make them. It's part of life and part of being human. I believe that the key to life is that we learn from our mistakes, never to repeat them, and to become a better person from having made them. That is my focus. Me and my mistake. HOw to never repeat it, and to become a better person because of it.


Steve said...

I suspected there might be a blog post or something about this.
I'll be here if you need me.

Missy said...
