My photos

Thursday, June 26, 2008

What's up with me?

Nothing. Nada. Zip. My days are pretty much the same lately:

Wake up.

Take Wyatt to daycare. Yes, it's summer. Yes, I'm off from work. BUT I have to pay to keep him space in daycare, soo if I'm paying, he's going. ANd to be honest, he loves playing with his friends.

CHeck the Dawg. Chat with my friends.

Clean house. It's a never ending battle.

Run Errands. Not all days, but at least 2 days out of the week. I have to go to the grocery store, or something that involves leaving the house. I try to do it all on one day, but that doesn't always happen.

Hang out in the pool. NOt a big fancy ingrown pool. Just a little cheap 3 foot above ground pool, but it's cool, and relaxing, and peaceful. When no one but me is out there.

Come inside and eat lunch.

Put laundry on to wash. Really now,THAT"s a never ending battle too.

Back out in the pool, while reading a book. OR if the weather doesn't cooperate, I will play in my scrapbook room, while watching tv.

Pick up Wyatt.

THen, again depending on the weather, we either end up in the pool, or hang out inside.

Cook dinner. CLean the kitchen.

Take a bath.. and read or scrap til I get sleepy.

Day after Day. I could get used to this. Now If I could only afford to do this without a paycheck.