My photos

Monday, April 2, 2007

a little early morning scare

Every morning, before we can leave for work, WYatt has to put Dixie in her pen, and tell her goodbye for the day. Some mornings, she is waiting by the back door for him. SOme mornings, she is in her dog house already. No matter where she is at, when Wyatt whistles, Dixie comes running. Well, almost every morning. Friday morning, I am putting my things in the car, and Wyatt is going to take care of his dog. As I am locking the house up, here comes Wyatt, running full force. Tears streaming down his face. I get him to calm down,and he says "Dixie has run away. I called her, and her didn't come out of her house. I think her is gone." I go out to look at the dog pen. I whistle. I call her.. and there she is... her head poking out of her dog house, with a look that clearly says "I was trying to sleep here.". Relief washes over me. Yes I was a little scared too. I have to go and show Wyatt that his dog is fine, just sleeping .

He calms down after a bit, but as he hugs and kisses his dog goodbye, I hear him tell her. "Don't scare me like that. I have to have my kiss and hug or I will have a bad day. I love you Dixie."


Just Me said...

That's a great picture and what a sweet story Missy.

Lynette said...

Your photos are great. I am glad all you had to deal with was a sleepy dog.

Parkie said...

OMG! I just LUFF that pic!!

Cyn Pip Pics said...

You really captured it all, Missy. The photo really tells the tale you shared.